Recently, I have seen and heard a flurry of questions about the overall NCECA schedule and making decisions.  Specifically, a lot of people are asking “If I can only spend one day at NCECA, which one do I pick?”  Of course this is an incredibly hard question because even spending ALL the days at NCECA you can’t do everything!  That decision is also really personal, depending on what you like.  BUT, I thought it might be helpful to have a general overview of what happens each day (and what things are free)

Tuesday –

Tuesday night the conference unofficially kicks off with the Gallery Expo reception from 6:30-8:00pm  It is free and open to the public.


A day pass for Wednesday is $35 for members and $45 for non-members.  This gives you complete access to the Resource Hall and all the fabulous programming that is created by our commercial and institutional exhibitors.



A day pass for Thursday is $125 for members and $145 for non-members.  This gives you complete access to the Resource Hall, and the programming there AND all the NCECA-created programming.  This includes the two sets of simultaneous Demonstrating Artists, the extremely popular Process Room, the educational focused programming and all of the other member-produced programming, plus Thursday late afternoon are the very member-driven NCECA Topical Discussions sessions, and the first ever NCECA Film Night


Friday –

A day pass for Friday is $125 for members and $145 for non-members.  This gives you complete access to the Resource Hall, and the programming there AND all the NCECA-created programming.  This includes the continuation of the two sets of simultaneous Demonstrating Artists, more in the (still) extremely popular Process Room, more educational focused programming and more member-produced programming, plus Friday late afternoon are the NCECA Connections sessions, and of course that night is the amazing NCECA Dance



A day pass for Saturday is $55 for members and $68 for non-members.  This includes the Emerging Artists Presentations, the AMAZING Closing Lecture by Jack Troy, announcements of a variety of awards, NCECA Board election results and, if you wish, the open board meeting.  Please note: The Resource Hall is CLOSED on Saturday.