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NCECA’s Green Task Force (GTF) is a group of artists, makers, administrators, and educators that meet monthly to discuss, brainstorm, and research environmental best practices in the field of ceramics. We are committed to environmental stewardship, providing resources and education for NCECA’s members about important environmental issues affecting ceramic arts.

Best environmental practices? Important environmental issues affecting ceramics? What exactly does this mean? There are so many things to consider… clay consumption, firing efficiency, water usage, studio waste, carbon footprint, education, use of materials, and resources… Ahhhh! Where does one begin?

What information is actually most helpful to you? What do we need to know and how do we take action based on this information? The GTF needs input from our community. We have put together a survey to better understand your needs and help us focus on the most pressing issues.

The survey takes about ten minutes and will give us valuable information!
Please help us meet your needs and advance the field by taking the survey by the extended deadline,  midnight January 8th at:

Survey Link Here:

Any questions? Please email