Quest for Clay: The Importance of Travel, 2017 NCECA, Portland, Oregon
Even as the pressures of the semester are winding down for most students and everyone gearing up for summer activities, I want to make sure that everyone is still keeping NCECA on their minds. Now is the time for thinking about how you want to shape your future and your ideas, NCECA wants to give you the opportunity to focus these ideas and share your thoughts and energy with everyone. As a community run organization, everyone is welcome to help form our content, and students play just as vital of a role as anyone else. Not quite sure exactly what Student Interests content is? Mary Cloonan, NCECA’s Programs Director, explains it in her “Apply Yourself!” post (Read the full article here): Apply Yourself!
As a graduate student I have had a lot of life experiences, both good and bad, and feel like I have a story to tell. I was in China when I when I applied for my first NCECA lecture, as I realized how important travel and studying abroad was for my art practice and myself. Why would I not want to share my experiences and my collection of ideas if I thought it could help other, or inspire new ideas?
This is the best opportunity for students to share themselves in a meaningful way, and all too often students don’t take advantage of this wonderful chance. Do you have a project, collaboration, or just an experience you want to share? Who better to tell the stories you want to hear at NCECA than you? The application deadline for Student Perspective program proposals is September 6th, 2017 for the 52nd Annual Conference CrossCurrents: Clay and Culture in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. (Link to application:) Student Interests Programming Proposals.
Mark your calendars and I hope to hear your story in Pittsburgh.
-If you have any questions or concerns you can email either NCECA Student Director at Large, Naomi Clements or Myself: ncecasdal@gmail.com
-Brandon Schnur
Graduate Student, West Virginia University
Student Director at Large 2017- 2019

Quest for Clay: The Importance of Travel, 2017 NCECA, Portland, Oregon