2018 NCECA Annual  Visual Voices: Truth Narratives

It is time to pull your images and your narratives together for NCECA’s 2018 Annual Exhibition, Visual Voices: Truth Narratives, our national juried invitational, curated by Winnie Owns Hart, educator, artist, filmmaker, author and critical thinker in matters of clay, art and culture.  Take advantage of this incredible opportunity to put your clay story in front of a broad audience during the 2018 NCECA conference and apply now, before it’s too late!  The exhibition will be held at Pittsburgh’s renown Society for Contemporary Craft, March 14- August 18, 2018.

Winnie Owens-Hart has invited artists Syd Carpenter, Roberto Lugo, Sana Musasama, Reginald Pointer, and Janathel Shaw to frame the curatorial concerns of Visual Voices: Truth Narratives. The artists selected create powerful works that speak in a variety of visual volumes that touch on personal and global issues and emotions. Their narratives, whether literal or abstract, acknowledge that intolerances spawn racial, religious, class, and gender biases in every part of the world. The sense of interconnectedness created by modern media has transformed what was once an ancestral community to now a global community. Our stories, re-told in clay, are borderless. Historically, the narrative ceramic object has engaged with the retelling of events through visual imagery codification. Clay works dating back thousands of years have enabled archaeologists to theorize on ceremonial, spiritual, and utilitarian societal markers that document the social and cultural contexts of their makers’ communities.

Winnie Owens-Hart seeks emerging as well as seasoned artists to apply. She will make selections for the exhibition from digital images and statements submitted through an online portal within the CaFE™ system to develop the exhibition. Artists whose work is selected through the review process will exhibit with the five artists invited by the curator. This is a GLOBAL call/request inviting all ceramic artists who consider their work narrative to apply for this exhibition.

Visit our website for more information, and to apply!


~ Leigh Taylor Mickelson, NCECA Exhitbions Director


Image Above: Sana Musasama; “She wanted to play sports”’ Ceramic Mix-Media; Narrative: This work depicts a girl soldier delicately holding a piece out of a game speculating on her dream of being an athlete before the war.  

Featured Image: Sana Musasama; “Girl Soldiers”, Installation View; Ceramic Mix-Media; 21” X 67” X 6”; 2016: Narrative: This is an installation view of girl soldiers frozen in a moment of their lives. Each sculpture is accompanied by an object that the child solider once held close, like a fond memory or a dream that was deferred by war. The work is Raku fired to achieve multi-­‐layered metallic surfaces that shimmer with various hues, which reflects light and textures as the viewer moves around each piece. Each individual sculpture is encased, placed or draped suggesting that she is being hugged or held, mimicking the way that I created her as well as freezing her in a moment before her life was deconstructed by civil war