I was pleased and honored to be invited to present a talk on Sylvia Hyman as part of the Past Masters series on Thursday from 12:30 to 1:30. Sylvia died on December 23 at the age of 95 and I have gathered wonderful stories from her family and friends, and great imagery from John Cummings, her good friend and photographer for many years. Sylvia was amazing – spry, smart, and inquisitive right up to her last days, and certainly an inspiration for all artists, especially those entering the “twilight years.” Some people think they’re in the twilight years at 65, but at that age Sylvia was just beginning her best work and had three more decades of vibrant, productive life ahead of her. Everything you see in the images below is fired clay.  If you have any questions about this presentation, please email me at wpitelka@tntech.edu or stop by the Appalachian Center for Craft table in the Resource Hall. – Vince Pitelka

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Hyman, Sylvia, Buy Mad 25 Cents Cheap, 2003 OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Hyman, Sylvia, Noah and the Flood, 2003 OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Hyman, Sylvia, Alfred E Newman Etruscan Ossuary