The Director at Large (DAL) and the Student Director at Large (SDAL) are elected by and represent the NCECA membership on the NCECA Board. Usually the DAL and SDAL candidates meet with NCECA members face to face during the conference. Since this was not an option this year, Paul Blais has interviewed the Candidates to better inform the membership. Enjoy! Please vote for your representative by Friday March 27, 2020

“Instead of releasing two episodes on Tuesday and Thursday, The Potters Cast is releasing both of this week’s episode on Tuesday. As a result of NCECA 2020 conference getting canceled this year, the normal process of NCECA having a dedicated time of having the candidates for the Director at Large and the Student Director at Large share about what they would bring to the position and then to answer questions from the audience wasn’t available. These two episodes are the replacement platform to allow these fine candidates to share their stories.” Paul Blais, host of the Potters Cast.

Link to the Potters Cast Interviews:

To Opt-In to vote

To read more about your DAL Candidates

To read more about your SDAL Candidates