In case you missed the memo from NCECA in your email, here it is:
NCECA recently shared that a vote on bylaws amendments put before the membership had failed to reach a quorum as of June 30, 2015. We are pleased to announce that after re-opening the ballot using a link sent to members who had not yet voted, as of this past Wednesday, we have surpassed the required quorum of 385 votes cast. Combining the votes cast prior to the initial deadline of June 30, with those cast in the second ballot, Amendment 7.7.A carries with 631 in favor, 79 opposed, 31 abstaining; and, Amendment 7.8.A carries with 624 in favor, 84 opposed and 35 abstaining. The Nominations Committee will continue to solicit recommendations from the membership and review all candidates’ qualifications. Passage of these amendments makes the process of appointment of all Executive Committee positions on NCECA’s Board of Directors uniform. This year, the Nominations Committee will recommend NCECA’s next Treasurer and next President Elect for appointment. Each will be subject to 2/3-majority vote of approval by the Board of Directors. The next Secretary will be identified through the same process when that position requires a new appointment. Directors at Large and Student Directors at Large will continue to stand for election by the membership.
I really do want to thank you all for taking the time to vote, whether it was in the initial period or the re-opened vote. So please, give yourselves a round of applause! What began as a vote with too low of a turnout to even count became perhaps the highest turnout in the history of NCECA votes (Please note – this is an unofficial, unverified statement/guess on my part). It sincerely warms my heart to see members taking an interest in the governance of this organization….which makes a nice segueway into reminding you all that the Nominations Committee is looking for great people who are interested in joining in the fun of making decisions on behalf of the membership. I, personally have been honored to be able to serve the organization for the last 5 1/2 years. It has been a rewarding and life-changing experience for me. You can self-nominate, or put forward someone you think would be great. The nominations committee will then go through all candidates, and then forward names to the board. Up for election are Director-at-Large (3 year term) and Student Director-at-Large (2 year term). These are great entry points to the board. The nominations committee is also looking for recommendations for two appointed positions, Treasurer (3 year term, renewable for one additional 3 year term) and President-Elect (6 year cycle – 2 years as president elect, 2 as president, 2 as past president). If you have any questions about being on the board, please don’t hesitate to contact a current or past board member for insight. When I first received the call asking if I was interested, the very next call *I* made was to Glenda Taylor, and I would be happy to pass along that expertise to anyone else interested!