Hey Students,

I hope you are just as excited as I am about this year’s conference in Milwaukee!

Don’t forget to bring a flash drive with images of your work and stop by our table in the main registration area to sign up for the Student Critique Room,

The Student Critique Room gives students at all levels an opportunity to discuss images of their work one-to-one with professional artists and educators from around the country. This is a great opportunity to gain a new perspective on your work, and prepare for graduate school, job applications, gallery representation and more. Let an NCECA mentor give you advice on how to prepare your portfolio for the next step in your artistic career. Student Critiques will be held at the Milwaukee NCECA Conference on Thursday and Friday from 8:30 am to 4 pm in Room 101 C. Critiques will be 25 minutes long, with a 5 minute break between each session.

Please come to the conference with your images already prepared and saved to a CD or zip drive. All critiques will be of digital images, please do not bring slides or actual artwork. Laptops will be provided, but NCECA does not provide Internet access in the Student Critique Room.

Signups will take place on Wed, March 19th from 1 to 5 pm in the main registration area. Look for our table and meet Student Directors at Large Kevin Dean Ramler and Maccabee Shelley. Sign up is on a first come/first served basis so get there early! Sign-ups for any remaining slots will be posted outside of the Student Critique Room on Thursday morning. If you have any questions about the Student Critique Room, please contact:


NCECA Student Directors-at-Large

Kevin Dean Ramler kevindeanramler@gmail.com

Maccabee Shelly maccabeenceca@gmail.com