“The role of NCECA onsite conference liaison involves a journey filled with challenges and discoveries. Kelly Kerr and Jeff Vick undertook the many dimensions of this experience with humility, grace, and perseverance. Few if any of those called on to play this role over NCECA’s history have had prior experience with planning something so large and public. Even in the best of times, the onsite conference liaisons’ paths can be fraught with difficult choices. Sociologist and researcher Brené Brown tells us that the root of the word courage—cor from Latin, cour from French—derives its meaning from the heart. Kelly and Jeff have led with courage, acting, speaking, and listening from their hearts throughout their terms of service with NCECA. Many of the exhibitions and programs they worked on which they worked tirelessly and thoughtfully won’t be realized in Richmond in 2020. This shouldn’t diminish the impacts of their generosity of spirit and deep intelligence. These will be felt through the ideas and relationships they have fostered and sustained over the past several years.”
-Josh Green, Executive Director of NCECA
“Your kind words are a welcome comfort, thank you! The conferencing canceling was a huge disappointment, my heart hurts for all of the artists and curators. As an on-site I’ve felt like the conduit for opportunity and the sharing of ideas and beauty, it is sad that this will not take place. It was beyond our control and without a doubt the right decision was made. Thank you for your generosity and care. I am confident that NCECA will continue to thrive under the stellar direction of Josh, his staff and the dedicated Board. Like Jeff, I hope that NCECA will return to Richmond some day. Our community and the NCECA community will surely have amazing chemistry.”
-Kelly Kerr, 2020 Richmond Onsite Liaison
“Kelly and Jeff, thank you for your hard work and service, you will be missed.”