A Message from NCECA President, Patsy Cox
Some of you have been wondering how the recent Colorado flooding has affected the NCECA staff at our home office located in Erie, Colorado. Our staff was impacted through road closures and one home evacuation. We have been lucky as there were many in Colorado that endured more significant hardship. The NCECA office itself is safe and dry with all utilities up and working. We are back to business and running at full speed.
Last week we continued to have a strong presence in the field as the NCECA sponsored exhibition, Earth Moves: Shifts in Ceramic Art and Design in collaboration with the Arvada Center for the Arts and Humanities opened and will remain on view through November 10, 2013. Congratulations to all the artists and thank you to the Arvada Center for another wonderful team effort. We invite you to view a slide show of works in the exhibition and consider purchasing a print on demand catalog.
We want to remind our membership about the upcoming October 2 deadlines that include calls for conference programming (Projects Space, Student Perspectives, K-12 presentations, Topical Discussions and NCECA Connections) as well as Emerging Artists, Honors, Fellows, Excellence in Teaching Awards, and nominations for open board positions. We also want to reiterate that we’re looking for nominations for President-Elect, Secretary, Director-at-Large and Student Director-at-Large. Please keep in mind that nominations for open board positions will NOT be taken from the floor in Milwaukee as we will be implementing a new e-voting protocol. Nominations for these positions must be submitted by October 2nd.
We are also seeking candidates for Programs Director, an Executive Committee role requiring transition and mentorship of a new board member due to the imminent conclusion of an extended term limit in March 2015. We are seeking candidates now so that we have adequate time for a new Programs Director to train with our current superhero Programs Director, Steve Hilton. Nominations for this position will stay open until October 18th. Now is the time to get your nomination packets in. Click here for more information on open board positions. NCECA is asking that all interested parties complete and submit an electronic nominations form to officially state their intent, share their qualifications and identify references.
Some of you may remember that NCECA went through the Alchemy Leadership Training Seminar facilitated by the Annenberg Foundation in 2012. This experience significantly improved the protocol for board governance. NCECA has recently been accepted into Alchemy+, the second phase of training of the Alchemy Program for graduates of the Leadership Seminar. Alchemy+ is designed to address the specific needs of participating nonprofit organizations and their leaders. This training will afford us additional training to help advance our mission and goals with expertise from the Annenberg Foundation. This is one of several partnerships we’ve developed that is instrumental in making NCECA the most efficient and progressive arts organization it can be.
Material World, NCECA’s 48th Annual Conference in Milwaukee, Wisconsin is shaping up with Demonstrating Artists Ayumi Horie, Michelle Erickson, Ching Yuan Chang and Kyle and Kelly Phelps as part of the programming line-up. Expect more announcements and updates as we lock in our keynote, distinguished lecturer, closing speaker and other presenters. We know you will be very pleased at the combination of intellect, insight and skillfulness that will be a core part of our conference in March 2014. I want to mention to you now (and we’ll remind you as we get closer) that Milwaukee is also hosting one of the preliminary rounds of the NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament commonly known as March Madness while NCECA is in town. So be aware and plan your travel and book your hotel now.
Your volunteer board and key staff are soon headed to Providence, Rhode Island, site of our 2015 conference, with exhilaration and excitement. We are arranging engagements with arts and cultural community figures in the region to fuel awareness about NCECA during our upcoming board meeting. We look forward to interacting with new friends to spread the word about our mission and goals. You’ll hear additional pertinent news from us after our board meeting in a few short weeks. Till then, keep in touch and let us know of any NCECA thoughts you might have.
Patsy Cox, President patsycoxnceca@gmail.com
NCECA’s members ratified bylaws amendments in March 2013 that enable us to realize a long-requested and much desired e-ballot system. Electronic voting will allow more members to participate in important decisions by enabling those not in attendance at the second members business meeting to cast votes prior to conference and up until Friday evening March 21. Implementation of e-voting will result in some procedural changes to board nominations. NCECA will no longer accept nominations from the floor during the first business members meeting on the Thursday morning of the conference. NCECA’s nominations committee will review submissions, forward candidates for board approval, and make presidential appointments during its October 2013 meeting in Providence.
Nominations for President-Elect, Director-at-Large, Student Director-at-Large and Secretary must be completed electronically by October 2, 2013.
By October 18, NCECA seeks nominations for the presidential appointment of the Programs Director position, which is a three-year term beginning in 2015.
Open board positions other than the President-Elect and Programs Director, are subject to a vote of the membership. The e-ballot for member-elected board roles will open prior to the upcoming conference and conclude on its final evening. President-Elect and Programs Director positions will be presidentially appointed with 2/3-majority vote of approval during the Board’s October 2013 board meeting in Providence. The Programs Director may be renewed for an additional 3-year term with board approval. This will support a seamless transition of the 6-year presidential cycle at the conclusion of the 2014 conference and enable a one-year term of mentorship with the next Programs Director a full year prior to board service. For more information about these positions and links to the electronic nominations form, please visit http://nceca.net/static/about_board_candidates.php

Registration opportunities for Material World, NCECA’s 48th Annual Conference in Milwaukee open on October 2. Programming for Milwaukee will be diverse, dynamic and compelling paying honor to ceramic traditions and exploring cutting edge issues facing makers, educators and lovers of ceramic art in the 21st Century. Inspired by member feedback and participation patterns, expect to see an expanded Process Room with better seating and video support featuring short demonstrations of maker techniques and thinking. Headlining Demonstrating Artists include Ayumi Horie, Michelle Erickson, Ching Yuan Chang and Kyle and Kelly Phelps. Legendary studio potter, Cynthia Bringle has agreed to be our closing speaker. Leonard Todd, author of Carolina Clay, will present a lecture, Dave Drake: Potter, Poet and Slave. More details on conference presenters and their topics will be revealed in the days and weeks ahead.
After more than five years, NCECA’s board voted to approve a modest increase on registration fees, while extending the period to secure best rates through the Early Bird registration discount until the end of January. A new Wednesday ONLY day pass with admission to the Resource Hall is also available for only $25.
Get online to register soon and make your hotel reservations early. Those hoping to find a low-cost room by going online just before the conference are forewarned that Milwaukee is hosting NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament the same weekend as our conference. Hotel rooms are likely to be booked and discount rates may be hard to obtain. When you book a room in one of NCECA’s conference hotels identifying yourself as a conference attendee, you also help NCECA realize rebates that assist with costs associated with use of the convention center. The call for a limited number of volunteer opportunities at the conference will open on October 2. These slots require 13-hours of documented service during the conference. Priority is given to students who make requests on a first come- first served basis.
An exciting week of experiences designed for collectors of ceramic art led and designed by Leslie Ferrin is taking shape for Milwaukee. The 2014 NCECA Collectors Tour will commence Sunday afternoon, March 16 and conclude Saturday, March 22, 2014. Limited to 25 registrants, NCECA’s exclusive Collectors Tour will encompass Material World, NCECA’s 48th Annual Conference with an itinerary extending to important exhibitions, collections and organizations in Chicago, Racine, and Sheboygan as well as the host city of Milwaukee. Included will be insider access to leading art and artists, as well as special engagements with museums and private collections. Tour participants will gain early access to thoughtfully selected exhibitions and have advance purchasing opportunities while enjoying a few shared meals, conversations and interactions with prominent and emerging artists. The $1600 registration fee includes conference registration, membership, exhibition catalog, motor coach transportation to tour sites, a donation to NCECA and a few shared meals. Travel to and accommodations in Milwaukee are not included in the registration fee. Contact Jacqueline Hardy at office@nceca.net or 303-828-2811 to reserve a place.
2014 National Student Juried Exhibition– A great opportunity for undergraduates, post-baccalaureates and graduate students to reach new audiences through NCECA’s annual showcase of the next generation of ceramic art.
2014 NCECA Award Nominations… Celebrate an admired teacher or artist for recognition by NCECA.
2014 NCECA Board Nominations… Help NCECA and the field through service and governance.
2014 K-12 Conference Proposal… Contribute to meaningful discourse about teaching, creativity and clay.
2014 Conference Student Perspectives… Connect with peers working to create the next generation of ceramic art.
2014 Emerging Artists Submission… Reach for recognition, new audiences and NCECA’s new opportunity with the Arts/Industry Residency at John Michael Kohler Art Center.
2014 Topical Discussions/ NCECA Connections… Lead a small, informal seminar about your passionate interests in clay and creation.
2014 Projects Space… Propose and realize a new interactive onsite work for the conference in Milwaukee.
2014 Call for WatchNCECA Playlist Videos Submit your online videos to be considered for incorporation in our WatchNCECA YouTube channel playlists.
The Annual National K-12 Ceramics Exhibition will be on view at NCECA’s upcoming conference in Milwaukee. The National K-12 Ceramic Exhibition is an annual juried ceramic competition for Kindergarten through Grade 12 (K-12) students in the United States. Designed to showcase the best K-12 ceramic work made in the country. K-12 Teachers, please keep an eye onhttp://www.k12clay.org/ to find the prospectus and deadline for submissions.
CERF Program Manager Les Snow shares this communication reaching out to craft artists in the Colorado counties affected by the recent flooding, as well as statewide arts organizations.
CERF+ would like to make sure that any professional craft artist seriously affected by the disaster is aware of the emergency relief assistance available from CERF+.
If, as a craft artist, you have suffered loss, please contact CERF+ when you are able. If, as an arts organization representative, you know of craft artists in the disaster areas, or plan to correspond with your artist constituents in the near future, please pass this information on. If there are organizations that directly work with artists in your community that you think we should know about, please send us their contact information.
Direct Assistance to Craft Artists
CERF+’s programs include:
- Grants up to $3,000;
- No-interest loans up to $8,000;
- Booth fee waivers at craft shows;
- Discounts on materials and equipment from suppliers and manufacturers;
- Assistance with business development through referrals to consultants and other low or no-cost resources.
For eligibility requirements and more detailed information, please visit the Emergency Relief
section of the CERF+ website.