Unconventional Clay: Engaged in Change, the 2016 NCECA Invitational will be on exhibition at The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art from February 12– May 8, 2016. The exhibition will take place in conjunction with Makers, Mentors and Milestones, the 50thAnnual NCECA Conference in Kansas City, Missouri, March 16 – March 19, 2016.

Unconventional Clay: Engaged in Change is an exhibition that explores connections between art, social issues and process in contemporary ceramics. Curators Leigh Taylor Mickelson & Catherine Futter are seeking dynamic and engaging works responding to contemporary issues while employing innovative approaches to the medium.

Unconventional Clay: Engaged in Change is especially interested in community oriented working models, with projects that address audience interactivity as a primary goal.

Now, I think I might know what you’re thinking….

if it’s an invitational, why does NCECA solicit submissions?

…It’s a great question, and one that I asked of our Exhibitions Director, Leigh Taylor-Mickelson:

It gives the curators the opportunity to be exposed to artists/artwork that we might not be aware of.  It expands the possibilities beyond what we already know.

So take this opportunity to expose NCECA to your artwork!  You can read all the details about requirements and get complete instructions here on the NCECA website