Not only is our upcoming conference upon us, we find ourselves in need of new Board members for the 2017-2020 term. So, it is election time again for NCECA, and we hope all of our members will participate by casting their vote to help us fill our soon-to-be vacant Board positions for a Director at Large and a Student Director at Large.

It is now our fourth year with electronic voting, so hopefully we all feel comfortable now with this method. Voter numbers skyrocketed last year, so we are confident that this is best way to allow all our members a chance to vote easily and safely for the candidates of their choice.

All NCECA members should be on the lookout for our ballot email, sent on March 3, 2017 from NCECA via SurveyMonkey. This email will contain a personalized link to your ballot. Click on the link that says “Vote Now” to cast your vote. It is that easy. No need to remember tricky passwords, or to search for specific websites. Just click the link, select your candidates, and submit your vote. Easy as pie (which we definitely approve of as your reward for voting!).

Before you vote, please click here to learn more about each candidate and to watch their short online campaign videos.

One of the strengths of the NCECA Board is that, with our staggered terms, the Board is always changing. If helping govern NCECA, planning conferences, and working to shape the future of our field sounds interesting to you, we would love to have you as part of our team. Stop by the NCECA table at the conference, and introduce yourself to a current board member. We would love to meet you, and get you more involved in NCECA. (Click here to see who is currently serving, and please do say hello:

2017 voting requirements nitty-gritty

Here is what you need to know…

  • This year, NCECA is holding elections to fill two positions on its Board of Directors: Director at Large (DAL) and Student Director at Large (SDAL). To learn more about the DAL and SDAL positions, to watch brief candidate videos, see headshots, and to read our candidates bios, click here:
  • The NCECA board, under advisement by the nominations committee, has approved two nominees for Director at Large. Candidates for Student Director at Large are not subject to board ratification, but must meet the requirements for student status.
  • Only current NCECA members can vote. Please verify your membership status before you make an effort to vote for 2017 candidates. NCECA memberships expire one year from the date on which they were purchased or last renewed. The primary contact of Business, Institutional and Gallery memberships will be the individual who is eligible to cast a vote on behalf of their entities.
  • Remember, membership is separate from conference fees, and only current members will have access to an e-ballot. (Click here to become a member today:
  • Elections will open March 3, 2017 and will be conducted via SurveyMonkey. All current members prior to March 1, 2017 will receive an evite to vote.
  • Please watch your email for our SurveyMonkey link to vote. If you are a member, and do not receive an email link, or have any questions about this election, contact or to receive your evite to vote.
  • All votes must be cast via SurveyMonkey no later than 4pm, Friday, March 24, 2017. If you become an NCECA member while at conference, please see Candice at registration to get set up for voting at that time.
  • Election winners will be announced at the close of the second members’ business meeting on the final day of the Portland conference, Saturday, March 25, 2017.
  • Please note that the deadline for all self- and peer-nominations for board positions has passed. Nominations will no longer be accepted from the floor during the conference at the first members’ business meeting at the annual conference. If you missed the deadline this year, please consider running for a board position in 2018. We would love to have you join our team!
