It is that time of year, NCECA is looking to fill two vacated seats on our board of directors, one Director at Large (DAL) and one Student Director at Large (SDAL). Our new DAL will help manage our emerging artists call, as well as our International Residency program, and the SDAL will assist with Student Critiques and Student Perspectives at our conference, as well as helps manage the NSJE jurying process. All board members contribute to NCECA conference programming, so we are sure all current NCECA members want their vote to be counted.

It is now our sixth year with electronic voting, which has proven to be an easy way for our members to cast their vote online, so please “OPT IN” to SurveyMonkey, so our ballot easily arrives in your inbox on Friday, February 28, 2020.

To opt in, click here and follow the instructions from SurveyMonkey:

All NCECA members should be on the lookout for our ballot email, to be sent on February 28, 20120 from NCECA Secretary <> via SurveyMonkey. This email will contain a personalized link to your ballot. Click on the link that says “Vote Now” to cast your vote. It is that easy. No need to remember tricky passwords, or to search for specific websites. Just click the link, select your candidates, and submit your vote. So easy…

Before you vote, please click here to learn more about each candidate and to watch their short online campaign videos. You can also join us during the conference for our “Meet the Candidates and Learn about Board service” on Wednesday, March 25, 2020 at 1:30-2:30pm in the Richmond Convention Center, Lecture Hall B10, and vote during the conference.

One of the strengths of the NCECA Board is that, with our staggered terms, the Board is always changing. If helping govern NCECA, planning conferences, and working to shape the future of our field. If this sounds interesting to you, we would love to have you as part of our team. Contact us, attend a Members Meeting during the conference, or introduce yourself to a current board member. We would love to meet you and get you more involved in NCECA. (Click here to see who is currently serving, and please do say hello: