It’s that time again… it’s the “Oscars” of the ceramic world! Our community has the opportunity and responsibility to honor, recognize and acknowledge individuals in the field who have made incredible contributions. These are folks who have left a lasting impact and legacy with their work, service, teaching/mentorship or outstanding projects. We all know someone who has contributed in ways that change the way we see and think and left an impact that surpasses the walls of their studios to our great collective benefit. We want to celebrate these individuals.

We will have educational programming at the 49th annual NCECA conference in Providence to celebrate the 2015 Honors and Awardees. It is a moment to hear from our award winners about their contributions to our shared discipline. Please consider submitting a nomination packet for those you think are especially deserving of these prestigious awards and allow our community the occasion to recognize and celebrate their legacy. Move swiftly as the deadline for the Honors and Awards are coming up and will close on October 8th, 2014.




Fellows of the Council shall be persons who have made an outstanding contribution to the National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts. They shall be members in good standing and shall have served the Council in significant ways for at least five years. Up to two Fellows may be elected in any one year. No currently serving Board Member is eligible for election as a Fellow of the Council. See a list of former awardees of the Fellows of the Council:


Honorary Members. Shall be individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to the professional development of the ceramic arts in accordance with assessment by the Board of Directors. Up to two Honorary Members may be elected in any one year. See a list of former awardees of the Honorary Members:


Excellence in Teaching Award.  Shall be individuals near or at the end of a career dedicated to the practice of teaching (may be awarded posthumously); shall have demonstrated excellence in their own creative work; shall have had previous recognition for and a history of awards in teaching; and should have highly visible former students in the field.  Up to two Excellence in Teaching Awards may be elected in any one year. See a list of former awardees of the Excellence in Teaching Awards:


Outstanding Achievement AwardShall be contemporary artists, educators, writers, and others, this award recognizes individuals who have successfully completed a singular project that has contributed to the field of ceramic arts in an extraordinary way. The scope of the venture should be above and beyond what would typically be considered his/her professional responsibilities. Only one Outstanding Achievement Awards may be elected in any one year. See a list of former awardees of the Outstanding Achievement Award:


Regional Award of Excellence— Up to two individuals shall be identified annually by NCECA’s On-Site Conference Liaisons for outstanding contributions to the ceramic arts within their community or region. These awards are not open to nominations by the membership. Learn more at


Nomination Process
Nominations for Honors and Awards must include the following and will be submitted using NCECA’s online form process. Click here to go to nominations page for honors and awards.

ï       Nominee name and contact information

ï       Short bio of the nominee (2 page limit, upload as word doc or pdf, not to exceed 2MB)

ï       Nominator name and contact information

ï       Letter of Nomination (2 page limit, upload as word doc or pdf, not to exceed 2MB)

ï       Letters of Recommendation: No more than three letters of recommendation.

o   Recommender information: Name, email, best phone, relation to applicant and number of years known.

o   Letters (2 page limit, upload as word doc or pdf, not to exceed 2MB)


For questions about the Honors and Awardees process please contact:

Patsy Cox, Nominations Committee Chair 323-839-8103

For technical assistance contact or 303 828-2811 or 866 266-2322