In 2014, NCECA keynote speaker Theaster Gates challenged NCECA’s conference attendees to cultivate greater diversity in the field through simple, direct and meaningful gestures of welcome. Many of our members took this challenge personally and put resources toward making this challenge a reality. NCECA is instituting a pilot program whose goal is to increase participation by individuals of diverse cultural backgrounds that have traditionally been underrepresented in our conference and membership. This will be accomplished in part by providing resources to those who might not otherwise attend an annual NCECA conference. The Chipstone Foundation and individual donors to NCECA have generously sponsored these fellowships.

Up to 6 NCECA Multicultural Fellowships will be awarded for participation in Lively Experiments, NCECA’s 2015 conference in Providence, Rhode Island, March 25-28, 2015.  For all the details and to apply, click here

Deadline is coming up fast so get your applications in by February 3rd, 2015 midnight MDT!!