NCECA will be celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2016. Our 49th meeting in Providence next March will kick off the lead-up to the celebration of this important milestone in our organization. Believe it or not, we have already been planning for our 50th anniversary for several years. Now we are coming to you, our membership for some suggestions. We want your ideas and input on some of the most visible aspects of the conference, such as our keynote, and closing lectures, Randall Session, Dance Band, and our recently added, Chipstone-sponsored roundtable discussion. We’d also like some ideas for demonstrators you’d like to see, and any early suggestion for a panel idea or a K-12 presenter. To contribute your ideas,
You can submit as many ideas as you have, simply click the back button and refresh your screen after you submit. (Safari works best. Firefox may require clearing the form manually to resubmit)