The greater Kansas City area is hosting over 100 exhibitions in association with NCECA. Together with Lew White Bus Tours, our local team has put together some incredible bus routes to help you make the most of your conference experience. The galleries & venues mounting these shows are rolling out their red carpets…(or rather, their red white & black NCECA Exhibition flags) with receptions on either Thursday or Friday night. We are pleased to offer bus shuttle service to several points of interest, where you can take in the beauty of this exceptional artwork!
Busses will run from 5:00pm to 9:00pm in a continuous loop at approximately 30 minute intervals, so you can hop on and hop off as you please! Busses will depart from the street outside the lower lobby of the convention center. First up, on
Stop 1: In the heart of the Crossroads Art District you will find 17 venues hosting 24 shows:
• Leedy-Voulkos Art Center 2012 Baltimore Avenue
“Shapers of the Field: Honors and Fellows Exhibition”“2015 National Juried Exhibition”“NCECA 2016 Emerging Artists Exhibition”
“Masquerade/The Ceramic Figurine”“InCiteful Clay”
“In Situ: Pottery Tours and Clay Culture”
“From Here to There”“Ware and Tear”
“Around the Corner”

Bonnie Seeman from InCitefulClay at MidAmerica Arts Alliance
• Sherry Leedy Contemporary Art 2004 Baltimore Avenue
“The Once and Future: New Now”“Red-Hot Shop”
“Pewabic: Past/Present”
• The Gallery at 1708 Baltimore 1708 Baltimore Avenue
“Tromp L’oeil: Ceramics of the Third Wave”
“From the Wheel to the Wall”
“Image as Metaphor”
“A Quiet Cadence”“Ordinary Opposites”“New Works by Brian Horsch”
“Nothing You’ve Ever Done Before”
“SunSet|SunRise: Work from Studio Nong”
• Blue Gallery 118 Southwest Blvd.
“Figurative Fascination + Forms Embellished: New Work by Mark Knott + Kirsten Stingle”
“Contemporary Confluence”
“Midwest Clay Artists: A collective of Our Progression”
Stop 2 is at 20th & Walnut nearby, you will find four shows in one great location:
Belger Arts Center 2100 Walnut Street
“The Garden Party”“DESIRE”“Every Semester: Collecting KCAI 1995-2015 Ceramics”“Role Models”
Stop 3 is on Belleview Avenue alongside the:
NCECA SPONSORED EXHIBITION:“Across the Table, Across the Land”
Stop 4 is on 45th Street, where you can find two venues:
NCECA SPONSORED EXHIBITION:“Unconventional Clay: Engaged in Change”
Click here to get your ticket at the advance rate of $25.00!
Stop 1 is on McGee Street, where you will find 10 incredible shows at 4 locations:
“Makers: The Independents”“Makers as Mentors”“Generations: A Legacy of Mentorship”“323 Clay Studio show”“3 Degrees of Separation: Work by Susan Speck, Robert Lawarre III and Marko Fields”
“Chromafilia/ Chromaphobia”
“International Cone Box Show”“Past Cone Box Juror Show”“Flourishing: Ceramic Legacy of Kansas State University”
“Accessibility by Design”
Stop 2 is on Campbell Street alongside:
“Ghosts + Stooges”“Materiality, Methodology, Metamorphosis”
“Standing Wave”
Stop 3 is on Tracy Avenue at 21st Street, where you can walk one block to:
Belger Crane Yard Studios 2011 Tracy Avenue
“Decalcomaniacs”“Home Base: Studio Members’ Exhibition of Red Star Studios”“Alumni Gathering: Red Star Studios’ Past and Current Artists in Residence”“Archie Bray Foundation Resident & Visiting Artists”“Objectify”
Stop 4 The bus stop is at rear entrance to the Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art.
“Simone Leigh”
“Highlights of the Ken Ferguson Teaching Collection”
“A Whisper of Where it Came From”
“Middle Ground”
Stop 5 is on the drive at the edge of the parking lot for the:
Carter Art Center Gallery at MCC-Penn Valley 3201 Southwest Trafficway
“Strictly Figurative: Invitational“UM-Columbia Ceramics Graduate Student Exhibition”“The Sound of Color”
Stop 6 The bus stop is on 16th Street alongside:
“Collective Identity: The Legacy of an Icon – Ken Ferguson”
“Lifted”“Christina West – Stay Asleep”
Be sure to stay tuned to the Blog and especially this Inside NCECA column for more information about the best stuff you don’t want to miss!
[…] the tempting tour to Lawrence that I told you about a couple of weeks ago, and there are some evening shuttles that will take you to the receptions on Thursday and Friday night. But there’s […]