NCECA’s Green Task Force (GTF) is committed to environmental stewardship in all venues; from administrative work to conference gatherings and further extending to educate NCECA’s members about important environmental issues affecting the ceramic arts.  Creative solutions to issues will be shared and it is the GTF that will provide a forum for progressive discussion on green studio practices. The GTF will bring members the tools and information to help facilitate change, however a sustainable future in ceramics necessitates a community effort.  We understand that it is not entirely feasible to make ceramics totally green, however it is possible to make small changes in our studio practices that will have lasting effects on minimizing global impact.

In addition to educating our members, NCECA and the volunteer officers of the GTF will demonstrate, by our own policies and practices, that we are good environmental stewards.  Sustainability practices will be in place for the management and operations in NCECA’s home office, and the annual conference.  This will include but is not limited to: recycling of waste, handling of printed documentation, communication with members, and future site considerations.  NCECA and the GTF have the future of clay in our sights.  Together we will discover new ways to work in sympathy with our planet.