Cynthia Bringle makes pots…”useful things”.  She is a Lifetime member of the Southern Highland Craft Guild, a Felow of the American Craft Council, an Honorary Doctor of Fine Arts from Memphis College of Art, and  North Carolina Living Treasure.  She was awarded the North Carolina Award for Fine Art, and was the subject of the third NCECA Spirit of Ceramics Video.  For over 50 years she has made her living as a potter, and NCECA was honored to have her share her many experiences with us at the Closing Ceremonies of our 48th Annual Meeting in Milwaukee.  From the 2014 NCECA Journal, (page 136), Cynthia writes

Clay…It gets many of us.  I have been fortunate to have had the opportunity to study with and observe many clay masters who have been an influence in my life.  As a student at Haystack Mountain School of Crafts, I studied with Bill Wyman, Edwin and Mary Scheier, Toshiko Takaezu, M.C. Richards and Daniel Rhodes.  In graduate school at Alfred Universaty, I had the pleasure of working with Robert Turner, as well as taking a summer workshop with Shoji Hamada….

…From the beginning, making pots for use has been my passion.  My work is in many collections, but most are in kitchen cabinets.

View the complete Closing Lecture with accompanying slides here:

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