After an exhaustive process of due diligence conversations and staff preparation efforts, we
have come to a difficult decision to cancel the 2020 NCECA conference planned for Richmond,
Virginia. We know this message is not the one many of you were hoping to receive. For others,
it may be the challenging and difficult decision you hoped NCECA might reach. Please know that
all of you reading this message are in our thoughts and understand that while reported risk
levels for COVID-19 infection may currently be low in the conference region, the unique
challenges and responsibilities associated with staging large gatherings at the present time
remain immensely complex.
Over the past weeks, NCECA has heard from many of you. Your messages both to stay the
course with the 2020 conference and those urging us to cancel have been read, shared, and
heeded. Fortunately, and unfortunately, communing in large groups is a huge part of what
NCECA has been, is, and will continue to be. Hundreds of you in the Greater Richmond
community have been busy planning for years, and we are aware of how disappointing this
news must be. NCECA has and will continue to be an organization that values people. Our love
and dedication to ceramic art is bound up in relationships, teaching, and learning. When
considering all of the factors before us, we felt that the well-being of the people and
communities that have led us through 53 extraordinary conferences needed to be paramount
in our decision-making.
So, it is with both deep regret and faith in solidarity with all reading and affected by this most
unfortunate of announcements that we invite you to read on and learn more about this
decision and next steps.
-NCECA Board, Directors and Staff: Helen Anderson-Finance & Accounting, Brett Binford-Exhibitions Director, Mary Cloonan-Program Director, Candice Finn-Website & Communications, Julia Galloway-Director at Large, Josh Green-Executive Director, Jeff Guerrero-NCECA Journal Designer, Holly Hanessian-President, Jacqueline Hardy- Office Manager & Membership Coordinator, Marsha Karaghesian-Onsite Liaison: Cincinnati, Reena Kashyap-Treasurer, Kelly Kerr-Onsite Liaison: Richmond, Tammy Lynn-NCECA Conference Specialist, Dori Nielsen-Conference Manager, Jill Oberman-Secretary, Pete Pinnell- President Elect, Ashlyn Pope-Student Director at Large, Lauren Sandler-Director at Large, Zach Tate-Director at Large, Jeff Vick-Onsite Liaison: Richmond, Kate Vorhaus-Projects Manager, Eliza Weber-Student Director at Large, Rhonda Willers-Steward of the Board, Tony Wise-Communication Director