Many projects are flowing into Across the Table, Across the Land and we are excited to share some of these over the next two months leading up to the final deadline of January 4th.

This recent submission by Lauren Sandler speaks to the potential of bringing together students working in clay with organizations who serve the unique needs of communities. Lauren is thinking expansively about the potential of clay, food and community connection.

Potluck something copy


Lauren Sandler writes:


“In this project we work with the beauty from overlooked communities using clay as a bridge for nourishment and connection. I collaborate with college students as well as multiple organizations, serving people with developmental disabilities, mental illness, chemical dependency, and a local human-powered organic sustainable farm. We hope to dismantle the binary opposition between inside and outside and expose cultural and contextual power ascribed to those with greater means. Activities include harvesting clay at the farm, using food as molds to shape the clay, creating vessels for edible insects, and sharing a meal eaten from pots made together. These exercises invoke ideas of nourishment, broadly defined, and call for a curiosity and awareness of possibility. In this way we question our fixed narratives of capacity, abled and disabled, and implicate our assumptions of normal, beauty, and worth.”


Lauren’s project thoughtfully expresses the potential of our medium to connect to the needs of community – and is her own response to the call for Across the Table, Across the Land.

What are you bringing to the tables?

Click here for more information about Across the Table, Across the Land.

Have a story to share? Go here!

Want to get your K-12 school and students involved? Download the student/parent permission form and Potluck: A Portrait of School Communities through Clay and Food to help guide your lesson plans and teaching here.


Follow us on instragram @acrossthetable2015 !


Take the Potluck Challenge and contribute on instagram or the webapp!

Tag your social media posts!!

@acrossthetable2015 #acrossthetable #nceca2015 #nceca #potluck


Questions? Email Michael and Namita at

Selected works may be exhibited in Kansas City along with the instagram photo in the exhibition Across the Table, Across the Land in celebration of NCECA’s 50th Anniversary. If selected, we will connect with you via the info you entered on the webapp or instagram account.

Once the exhibition is over, objects are returned to the artists and the lights are turned off – but your project lives on. It will become part of a digital archive, a “time capsule” telling the story of how ceramic artists in 2015-16 are natural and powerful community connectors. A treasure trove of digital information for generations to come.

Across the Table, Across the Land, a project of the National Ceramic Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts (NCECA), is designed to to be a snapshot of what is happening today at the intersection of food, clay and community. From the conceptual to the every day, we are inherently connected to community, and have been for a long.. long time!