

    Express Yourself: National Student Juried Exhibition

    In its fifth year as a national competition and exhibition, [...]

    By |2014-02-10T19:45:31-05:00February 13th, 2014|Conference Cities, Exhibitions, Featured, Milwaukee, Student Concerns|Comments Off on Express Yourself: National Student Juried Exhibition

      The Chipstone Foundation: From chipmunks stricken with virus antiquarium to grenade wielding squirrels

       The Chipstone Foundation, or Chipstone for short, sits in the [...]

      By |2014-02-13T13:04:38-05:00February 12th, 2014|Conference Cities, Exhibitions, Featured, Milwaukee|Comments Off on The Chipstone Foundation: From chipmunks stricken with virus antiquarium to grenade wielding squirrels

        Interviewing NCECA 2013 Emerging Artist Amber Ginsburg

        Amber Ginsburg works frequently with clay but her work responds [...]

        By |2014-02-08T09:49:07-05:00February 10th, 2014|Conference Cities, Emerging Artists, Featured, Houston|Comments Off on Interviewing NCECA 2013 Emerging Artist Amber Ginsburg